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Warming Experiment

To understand the effects of warming on tundra plants we installed open top chambers (OTCs) to passively warm (1-3 ºC) plots (1m x 1m) established in three common plant community types in the coastal mountains: 1) dry-mesic heather dominated heaths, 2) mesic willow dominated shrublands and 3) wet sedge meadows. The OTCs follow the standard protocol of the International Tundra Experiment (ITEX), which is a network of researchers examining the impacts of warming on tundra ecosystems. This study takes place at both Sphinx and Sentinel Bays (below) on the far side of Garibaldi Lake. Each plot uses different sensors and sampling techniques described below!


Sphinx Bay

Heather and Salix research sites & Burton hut


Sentinel Bay

Sedge research site & Glaciology huts

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